August has come and gone, and so has a month if great training. Before August began, I made a goal to run 250 mile in August. As today is my last day training this month, the total mile count is 196 miles, absolutely incredible.
(This chart does not show the first three days, which consist of 14 miles and one rest day)
Now some may say that I have missed my goal by 54 miles, which is technically true, but it was still an amazing month of training. Here are some reasons why it was great even though I have not met my goal:
-There were 10 days where I rested and no running took place. I usually make every Sunday a rest day. These rest days are just as important as the workouts themselves, as runners get in better shape, they may take less rest days, and I think that I may take less rest days in the future.
-This month was an increase in mileage from previous months, and I had to make several adjustments to my schedule to make time for more running. This month, I can say was more experimental, in figuring out the balance with running and other activities, but I think I know where I can make some adjustments. And plan better.
-I have been combating a slight sore right calve during this month, which has led to other rest days. I have been asking around to see how I can ease the soreness without having to rest as often. I'm hoping that the calve wont bother as much next month.
-Reminded me how great and important goal setting is. I have set many goals before, but nothing like this for awhile. This has really helped me train more to get more ready for Big Cottonwood.
-I have been keeping track of my workouts on, this has been great, if you know where you have been, then you know better where you need to go.
Overall, I have enjoyed working toward this goal, even though I have not reached it this time. Because of this goal, I have ran more than I would have without having a goal. I look back at the days where I have ran 14 miles, and think that without a goal, I realistically would have ran six miles.
In closing, this goal has propelled me to run more mile and train harder. It has been a mix of long continuous runs, interval workouts, tempo runs, hill and trail runs and recovery. I'll be spending my last rest day thinking of the next goal for the month of September, I have a race this month, so I will be having my next race in mind when making the goal.