250 miles in August
♠ Posted by Paul Naylor

A friend of mine made a goal to run 100 miles in July, and she has met that goal today. This is exciting and very inspiring. When people make goals, then working hard to achieve them, I think is one of the best things to witness. You see that sense of accomplishment in their countenance. Then, you see them go to make bigger and greater goals. So throughout the day, I have thought about a running goal for the month of August. I have a race coming up the second weekend in September, and I want to have a great showing there. So after much though about the training I would have to do in preparation...
Next Race: Big Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon
♠ Posted by Paul Naylor

Just over six weeks away is one of my favorite half marathons in Utah. When I first ran Big Cottonwood half a year, I knew that I would come back to the race year after year. The race is very organized, the staff and volunteers are amazing, and the scenery is beyond incredible. And on top of all that, the finisher medals are probably one of Utah's best. For being a mostly downhill race, makes chances for a PR highly likely. And for those who are going for the full marathon distance, this is a Boston qualifying race. When people ask me what race I suggest for them to do in Utah, I tell them to...
Quotes from Bill Bowerman
♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
Bill Bowerman coached the Oregon Ducks track team for 24 seasons. During this time, he coached legendary runner Steve Prefontaine, and around the same time, he co-founded Nike. Below are some quotes from the movie "Without Limits", about the life of Prefontaine. I think these quotes are very inspiring, I think about them often when I'm out for a training run or competing in a race. Now it is up for debate if he really said these as they are portrayed in the movie, but if he did or did not, they do inspire athletes to push themselves further. “Citius. Altius. Fortius. It means Faster. Higher. Stronger. It’s been the motto for the Olympics for the last 2500 years. But it doesn’t mean faster, higher and stronger than who you are competing against. Just Faster. Higher. Stronger." ...
Mental tips for running a half marathon: Part 3
To finish off this series of mental preparation, this article will focus on the actual race itself. So you have done all the mental prep before the race and the prep at the start line. Then, you hear the gun sound off. First three miles: *Start off slow. One of the most common mistakes made by runners is going off too fast. At the very beginning, you feel that you could go strong for a very long time, your very upbeat, rested, and confident. But remember to hold yourself back, the first three miles should be very easy. There will be a lot of people passing you, and that's okay, let them, you'll catch them later. But you don't want to be starting off at a gusty pace, because this will drain your energy for the duration of the race. *Run your pace. Run at the pace that you have been training at. Going along with the common mistakes that runners make, is that they try to match the fast pace of other runners. For example, if you have been training at a 8:30 pace, and then run...
Mental tips for running a half marathon: Part 2
Just recently, I made a post for tips and advice to mentally prepare for a half marathon, it was focused on pre-race preparation. This article will focus the actual running and start line, because this is where nerves came really become unhinged. -At the starting line Between the time the shuttles drop you off, and the actually start of the race, this can sometimes be a long time. And usually if you just stand there and wait, this can cause for anxiety because you want to get started with the race. So here are some things to keep in mind and to do at the start line *Prepare for a lot of people at the starting line. This is something that runners don't really expect. But at some races, there could be thousands of runners at the start, and a lot of commotion. If a lot of people are bothersome, then I suggest hanging out away from the crowd, but be close enough to here the announcer for the race start. *Some races has things to do at the start. This sometimes include several...
Mental tips for running a half marathon: Part 1
The half marathon distance has to be my favorite race, I love that the distance is long enough to be challenging, yet short enough to run at a strong pace. I think that it is becoming one of the more popular distances to run, just due to that its still long enough to have bragging rights over your friends and family. The distance tests your physical and mental strength, and each time there seems to be a new challenge. I have ran several half marathons, and I find a new physical or mental challenge that I have to overcome. There are many that say that the full marathon distance has more challenges as far the physical and mental, which I don't disagree with at all, but 13.1 miles is no walk in the park. I think it has its own set of obstacles to overcome. From running several 13.1 miles races, here are some tips that I have learned to help come out on top mentally and have a successful race. These are not all the tips, I'm sure that I will have more later on. There are different...
Quest for 50 states
♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
As of this morning, I have made a goal to run a race, at least a half marathon or team relay in all 50 states. This is a goal that many runners make, and its a major goal. Not just for the running, the chance to travel all over the country and see places that you probably wouldn't have gone. And the training and the mental mindset to run races after traveling so often. And on top of all that, the cost to travel, race entries fees, and running gear. Yeah, this type of goal is a huge undertaking. Goals like this doesn't happen quickly, from cost, to scheduling and training and injuries. This could take many many years to complete. But I think that it is a worthy goal achieve, even if it takes awhile. I have not really though about making a goal like this in the past. I have read in magazines of professional runners doing this. So it never appealed to me. Until a few years ago, a running friend of mine made it goal for him to complete 50 marathons in 50 fifty states. When I first...
Tips for running in hot weather
Training in the summer months can be tricky. This is the time of year where racing events really start to gain momentum, and people up their training to participate in them. But when the temperature rises, it can make it difficult to train for your distance and remain safe and healthy. But that does not mean that one should stop running altogether, there are many ways runners can still train while beating the heat. *Stay Hydrated The easiest way to avoid heat disorders is to keep your body hydrated, this be done by simply carrying water with you. This can be from a standard water bottle, hydration belt or vest, or camel bak. It is recommended that runners pay close attention when their bodies are wanting water. Especially when a run last longer than 30 minutes. Be sure to drink water before running, during, and after. Its also works for runner that do not like carrying water, to run a course that has places to get water along the way. Public places that has water fountains work...
I run, therefore I'm nuts
♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
"I run, therefore I'm nuts" this is a title of a book that I have read many years ago about distance running. Over there years, I have thought to myself; 'am I really nuts for doing this[running]?' I mean, who in their right mind would voluntarily put themselves through pain, dehydration and despair for long periods of time? Oh yeah..runners do. But that is the beauty of running, many people who do not run, think that we 'runners' are a bunch of weirdos who like to torture ourselves. Running is far from that. Running does so many different things for different people. Some are in it for the competition, others for stress relief. Some do it for the social benefits, some for the scenery and the chance to travel. Many run for the health aspects and getting into better shape. And then there are some, who just run.... Every runner has their own reasons, and there can be thousands of different reasons why they do. But for whatever those are, it forms a bond across every runner....
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