♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 5:41 PM

I think that this is a great challenge! It'll keep you going through out the entire year. I know that many that train for a race later in the year, will sometimes stop running after that race. And running usually does not resume until they have signed up for another race, which may not take place until the following year. This event can moving whether training for a race, or just keeping in shape.
One might look at this and think 'Why don't I run run by myself and keep track of my progress, without signing up for anything?' Many runners can, and many runners do. But a challenge like this gives a little more incentive to run. This program offers ways to track your progress, form teams, prizes and giveaways for reaching milestones, and the best part, getting shirts and finisher medals at the end of the challenge.
I could go on about this race, but there is a lot of information about from their website:
Click here - 2,015 in 2015
I encourage you to sign up, even if you are not running any races this year, at least run to get in great shape this year. They say that this challenge is equivalent to running barely under 77 marathons through out the year.
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