Life running in the dessert

Tips for running in cold weather

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
As we get further into the fall season with winter right around the corner, it is important to know how stay warm and dry if you're running outside. A couple months ago, I wrote a post on how to to stay cool in the hotter months. This is the follow up, only this time; How to stay warm. -Do a warm-up This will go a long way when training in the colder months, a bad way to start a run is cold muscles in cold weather. This can be done with either a short circuit workout before you head out, or plyometrics in the driveway. You want to have a raised heart rate, and be slight sweating before starting...

Cost of Running

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
When it comes to running, it is an inexpensive sport, When you compare running to golf, mountain biking or snow sports, you pay a lot less to enjoy the sport of running. I've had many friends think that all I pay for is running shorts and a pair of shoes. That may be all you need to pay for if you are a casual runner, or running for recreational purposes. As I have got more into running, I have found that it can be a pretty expensive hobby. Especially when I have been running in more races through out the year. Recently, someone has asked me how much can they expect to spend when it comes...

Things Runners are Thankful for

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
With this weekend focused on giving thanks, I wanted to turn attention to things that I'm thankful for as a runner. Other runners can relate to the list below I'm sure, and these are things that I'm really grateful for. Going beyond 'thankful for shoes and running gear', I'm talking about things that runners really love and are thankful for; 1. Opportunity to do things I never thought I would be able to do... Such as overcoming challenges. Some may think that running several distance races gets easier, but each race presents its own unique challenges. Of all the races that I've ran,...

Proper Running Form

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
-Look ahead...Your eyes should be focused on the ground about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you. Don't stare at your feet. Not only is this proper running form, but it's also a safer way to run because you can see what's coming and avoid falling. -Land mid-foot...Don't be a toe runner or a heel-striker. If you land on your toes, your calves will get tight or fatigue quickly and you may develop shin pain. Landing on your heels means you have overstrided and you're braking, which wastes energy and may cause injury. Try to land on the middle of your foot, and then roll through to the front of your...

Stir fry Veggies over Jasmine Rice

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
This is a great meal that can be made in about 20 minutes. 15 small sweet peppers, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cups cut fresh broccoli 2 Tbsp olive oil Salt/pepper to taste 1 tsp fish oil Lime juice 2 cups jasmine rice To get started, begin with the rice. Standard jasmine rice cooks in about 20 minutes. In medium size pot, add the rice in about 2 1/2 cups water, bring to a boil. Then lower heat to low, cover rice, and let cook for 15 minutes. In a medium saucepan, add all the vegetables with the olive oil. You want to start off with a medium to high heat. Add extra oil as needed....

Planning for the week ahead

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
I've taken a few more days to recover from my ankle, it has been feeling stronger over the weekend. I know look forward to this week to see if I'm able to run more and get some quality workouts in. I have to remember, that I have a half marathon coming up in January. So I don't have a lot of time, I need to start working as soon as possible. A few weeks after the half marathon, I have a full marathon at Huntington Beach, CA in February. My goal is to run about four times this week, and at least three times in the gym doing standard weight training. I'm really hoping that my ankle will hold strong this week, I'll have to watch it closely. If my ankle does well this week, then I'll move towards upping the workouts next week. Just under two months for the St. George Half Marathon. This will be a great introductory race  for 20...

Ragnar Fever in 2014

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
I have heard of many different running accomplishments. I have seen many stories online about people setting goals and working hard to achieve them. I have met runners that have inspired me to re-commit myself to a higher level.  I have heard others talking about what they have done in terms to running multiple races in one year, and again, made me aim to higher goals. This one I think is pretty unique. Earlier this year, there is a runner by the name of Jeanine, who has just completed all 14 Ragnar Relays for 2014. ALL 14!! You heard me correctly. She has participated in every Ragnar...

I run, therefore I'm nuts - Part 2

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
Do you know what's crazy? Its been about 10 days, and in that span, I've only ran once. I've been recovering from a sore right ankle, and its killing me that I'm not running. I have plans! I have races to prepare for! Goals to accomplish! And this ankle to throwing off my groove. In my first blog post, I wrote about that there can be thousands of reasons that people will run. Those reasons may change from time to time, but people will always want to run. As this year has evolved, and I have been running more and participating in more races. My love for running has also evolved, and I find...

Resting from sore ankle

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
I have been resting my right ankle for the past week. After a 14 mile run last Friday, then walking around for a few hours shortly after. Then spending about six hours moving furniture the following morning. Since then, I have been feeling a few sore muscles in foot and ankle. It has been a bit annoying this week, since I have not been able to train this week. No running, and no strength training. The Surf City Marathon has been on my mind this week, and even though that the race is the start of February, its still not a lot of time to prepare for this race. And I have been eyeing this race...

Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon IS the Marathon of Las Vegas

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
Just like the title says, this is 'the marathon' of Las Vegas. This city, as far as I have seen, does not have a stand alone marathon that takes place in downtown or on the strip. It does not have just 'The Las Vegas Marathon presented by MGM' or  'presented by Sands Casino' or 'presented by Red Rock Parks' or something similar. A race that is put on by the city itself, with a major sponsor from the city. In many other cites, they will host their own marathon, with having a part of the course [running] through part of downtown. What it does have is the 'Rock N Roll Marathon Las Vegas'...

Resting After Distance Races and Workouts

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
Resting is just as important as the workouts themselves, the same is true after completing a long distance race. For many runners, they either want to start training for the next race, right after they have finished their race. This is common for many runners, even if you're not a ultra competitive runner. There is that sense of wanting to do more, or get started before your body is ready to. Even with weekly workouts, some may think that if they have several long runs in the week is going to increase their endurance and speed. Now there is some truth to that, but it has to be built up slowly...

Just one more race...

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
How many times have we felt like Dora? We trained hard for weeks, run the race, which in some cases, may have nearly killed us. Then after all is said and done, and glad that it is finally over, you say to yourself that you are never going to run again....until you see a race that looks amazing. Which may include but not limited to: great location, great scenery, great cause, chance to get another PR, and/or GREAT MEDAL! This has happened to me on several occasions early in my road running career. I have ran a race, ran myself into exhaustion, then telling myself I'm never doing any of that...

Eight Half Marathons for 2014

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor
Now that I have completed the Snow Canyon Half Marathon, I look back at this year to look at the races that I have been a part of: -Xterra Trail Half Marathon - Las Vegas This was the race to start the year, I had just recently moved to Las Vegas at the end of January, I saw this years race for April, I was excited to run this because the weather was already incredible and I have never ran a trail race before -Mustang 50th Anniversary Half Marathon  Two things really drew me to this race, first, the opportunity to run on the Las Vegas Motor Speedway as part of the course. And...

Snow Canyon Half Marathon - Race Recap

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor in ,
Utah has no shortage of half marathons that have the most incredible scenery the country has to offer. I've run several half marathons in throughout the state, and it seemed that most of them have fantastic views.  After a few years of trying to adjust my schedule to run this race, this year proved to be the year where everything fell into place. I had many friends run this race in the past, and they all have great experiences. Now, its my turn! I have heard that there has been changes to the course since previous years. For starters, there was a section of the course that on trail,...