Life running in the dessert

Things Runners are Thankful for

♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 8:29 PM

With this weekend focused on giving thanks, I wanted to turn attention to things that I'm thankful for as a runner. Other runners can relate to the list below I'm sure, and these are things that I'm really grateful for. Going beyond 'thankful for shoes and running gear', I'm talking about things that runners really love and are thankful for;

1. Opportunity to do things I never thought I would be able to do... Such as overcoming challenges. Some may think that running several distance races gets easier, but each race presents its own unique challenges. Of all the races that I've ran, there has been something different that I had to overcome to finish the race. I've never run a race that was similar to another. even if it was the same course a year later. Then following the race, I learn a little more about myself and the world of running.  

2. Races that take you to great places around the country (or world)... I have seen some of the most stunning places by running a race there. Big Cottonwood Canyon and Lake Powell come to mind as races that have incredible scenery. I love racing in places that take me to great cities or locations. every time I've traveled somewhere to run a race, the location is sometimes half the enjoyment of the race. I look forward to races that take place in New York, Boston, London, Berlin, or even The Great Wall of China.

3. The running community... They say that runners at a race are friends you haven't met yet. I don't think that I have ever seen so many people from different walks of life that are most supportive people. I love that I can be at any race, and talk another runner that I have not met or seen before. And the conversation flows as if you have been friends for years. I have heard countless stories from other runners, advice and tips, I've even run in events because another runner told me about it. And they are the biggest and greatest support group in the world! They may not know you, but they are automatically your greatest champion. 

4. Family... There are some of the greatest support in your cause. Whether you are running a 5k or training for a ultra distance marathon. They make sacrifices just as much as you do, they help you make running a success. Whether it is making sure that you have the time to run, or welcoming you at the finish line, they are the greatest sight in the world when finishing a race.

5. First being inspired to run... Inspiration can come in many different forms. Its great to have elite athletes to look up to. But I really get inspiration from the everyday runner. The moms and the dads and full time workers that set time aside to train, Their stories of overcoming challenges are incredible. I really love watching runners cross the finish line, to see their faces as they now know they have completed a really tough task. 

6. Incredible experiences, some of them are life changing... Training and running for distance races changes lives, it happens everyday all over the world. Sometimes it is the running itself, it can be the people you meet, or things you learn. For me, running my first Ragnar race changed the way I looked at running. It taught me that running was fun, it was something that I have forgotten about a few years after high school. It has renewed my love and enjoyment for running have I'v e run several Raganr races since then. 

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7. A way to de-stress...After a long day at work, sometimes the best way to deal with it is to go for a run. Doesn't take a gym membership, just your shoes, running clothes and the outdoors. This has been a great help for me through out the years. 

8. Race volunteers...I don't think that volunteers get enough praise for what they do. Every race, I see them doing their work, or making sure that the runners are hydrated, fed, and motivated. They are cheering on the runners more than anybody else on the course in most cases. I usually try ot make a effort to really thank them for what they do, they really make the race possible. 

And lastly...Pheidippides, becuase, I mean c'mon. It was because of this guy we have distance competitions in the first place!  

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


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