♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 3:02 PM
1-Run a challenging course - The majority of races are either run downhill, occasional rolling hills or on a flat course. There are a few races that will make the discipline a little harder to conquer. Some races offer a course that is uphill, or with many steep rolling hills throughout the course. I would really like to run a race that is going to push me more than the mainstream courses.
2-PR with a sub 1:20 half marathon - My PR from 2014 is 1:29 at Big Cottonwood Canyon Half, I would really love to work hard this year to break 1:20. Anything better than that is a bonus.
3-Qualify for Boston - I think Boston is a goal for many runners, and I would now like to make it one of mine. I'm currently planning on two marathons for 2015; Run Surf City and St George. My qualifying time for my age group is 3:05.

4-Find a running partner - This might seem like an easy goal, but I want a running partner that I can run with at least two-three times a week. I have found that running with someone during training increases your production and motivation. So finding a runner with equal skills sets and matching work schedule is going to be a bit tricky.
5-Run in four Ragnar Races - Wasatch Back and Las Vegas are currently on the schedule, but I have ran these two relays several times. I would like to venture to other relays this series has to offer. I would like to run the two in California, or possibly the Ragnar Trail Series.

6-Volunteer at a race - I have always been on the running side of the race, and I love the volunteers that help. I think it'll be a great experience to be the one that hands out the water and cheer for the runners.
7-Try a new distance/themed race - I have been thinking about participating in different themed races, and I would like to try one this coming year. I have thought about Spartans or Tough Mudder, triathlons or ultra-marathons.

8-Run a race in every month - I would like to at least run one race per month this coming year, I have some months that have two races, but I won't count those for another month. I have the first two months covered for next year, and still looking for races in March and April.
9-Mentor a new runner - I think one of the best ways to learn or re-learn running techniques is teaching another runner. I would like to give back to the running community this way. I feel I have a lot of experience that a runner just starting out can benefit from.
10-Join a running club - This might sound like the easiest out of the 10, but I've always wanted to belong to a running club. Even if it is meeting as a group of runners every week and wearing the club shirts, I think its a great way to network with others and meet new people.
What are some of your running goals for the upcoming year?
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