♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 10:00 PM

If you been wondering what to get your runner for Christmas, such as your spouse, siblings, other family members and friends. Then this article will be the perfect guide for you this holiday season. Even the majority of the racing season is over for this year, runners continue to train through out the year.
For shoes, clothing, GSP watches, and music gear, these can be a little tricky and you may want to get a gift card for those items. For shoes and clothing, runners usually like to shop for those items themselves. Now, if you what size and style to get for your runner, then you'll have no problem here. However, if you're not sure about size, style, etc., then you can get them that gift card to their favorite running store and you'll be set.
But when it comes to the typical shoes, clothes and gear, they can be a little repetitive, and even general. If you want to get your runner something a little different, something that will REALLY speak to your runner. Take a look and some if the gift ideas below. These will be great for any runner.
*Race Bib Gifts
If your runner has a collection of race bibs piling up, you can take those bibs and turn them into great gifts such as:
Pillows and blankets
or even ornaments
And that is just for starters. There are many ideas online that make race bibs into something useful, decorative or something that a runner will keep longer.
*Personalized Cowbell
Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken are not the only ones that love cowbell, this is one the best motivating tools for a runner during a race. And getting a personalize bell for your runner can be a great gift. Believe me when I say, a cowbell is a beautiful sounds to hear at the finish line.
*Jar of Nutella
This has been a staple for runners for as long as I've known running. They go crazy for this stuff. And getting a giant jar of Nutella will bring joy for weeks to come for the runner. Don't skimp out with the small jar on this one.
*Running Medal Holder
If your runner has been in a lot a races lately, you notice that their medal collection is getting bigger. And if they don't have a place to hang their achievements, then a medal holder is a great gift. There are many different themed ones on the market, and fairly priced.
For those who wear cufflinks, running-themed links are great. And you really can't go wrong with what style cufflink, as long as it centered around running, they'll love it.
*Race Entry
This is possibly one of the best gifts to surprise your runner with. A local 5-or-10k race is very affordable, but if your really want to see your runner jump for joy. Give a gift of bigger race, such as one the big city races, or Tough Mudder or Spartan. Cover their cost of a Relay Race. You can even look into a race that requires travel, which is great for both parties!
*Crazy Socks
Just about every runner I have met likes crazy socks. Its makes their training and racing more exciting to them. Sometimes the more flashy, the better. Even if it seems silly to non-runners, your runners will love it.
Click on the link below for sock ideas.
*Stuff for Boston
If they qualified for Boston this year, give them a little something for a great accomplishment. This is one of the biggest races in the world that requires a qualification time. Let your runner know that you are proud that they are headed to the biggest stage in running.

A great gift that can be used after a long training run, or a race. Sure, they have massage tables at the finish lines of most races. But a massage where they can go to a different location, that's more peaceful, quite and more personalized for the individual. Definitely something a runner will take this over a massage at the finish line.
*Running magazine subscription
These are great, but after signing up, it takes about four to six weeks for the first issue. So place the subscription, then go to the store and by this months issue and put it in their stocking!!
Some of the more popular titles are:
-Running Times
-Womans Running
-Trail Running Mag
-Ultra Running
Feet take quite a beating during training and races, giving a pedicure can be a great gift for after those long runs. Prices can vary from location and places. But this gift is one that runners will really love.
*Running Club Membership
This is a thousand times better than a gym membership. Running clubs offer support, chance to me great people and make awesome friends. Plus, many incentives and deals are offered to runners that are part of clubs, sometimes discounts to races. If there is one in your area, jump on it.
So there are some ideas for you, hopefully they make the season bright for your runner. And with Christmas just over three weeks out, you better start shopping!
What gift ideas have you seen be a great hit for runners?
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