♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 11:55 AM

The thing to keep in mind is that running is not always going to be exciting. This can be more true when going on those longer runs, or if you need to train on a treadmill. And our friends and family respond, 'Oh I can never do that', 'you are crazy' and 'running is soooo boring'. Many would say that if you find that running is boring, you're probably a beginner runner. I have heard this several times, and the more I think about it, I've only heard that running is boring from non-runners, and beginners. I think the reason is that non-runners and beginners see running has hard, and it is hard at the beginning. But once runners get into it more, they find it less boring as time goes on.
But at times runners can still find themselves finding running boring, mostly for beginners and non-runners, but it can sometimes creep up on seasoned runners. So how do you make running less boring? There are some things that can be done be to help
Listen to music- This has to be the one that helps most people combat the boredom they feel while running. Music can serve as a distraction to get your mind off of running. And since that running is mostly mental, music can lift you to a higher positive mental state to continue running. Some may ask, 'what kind of music should I listen to?' This can be your favorite music that you always listen to. You could listen to music that is very upbeat, this so that you run at a higher pace.
Increase the pace- This creates more of a challenge for you when running, you get more involved mentally and psychically. This doesn't have to be a mad sprint, but just enough that gets your heart rate to rise. Then after your run, you are going to be feeling great. Then you'll want to run faster all the time.
Create games- This is something that I think all runners do at every level. These running games are only limited to the imagination. Some of these running games consist of counting the runners that you pass, counting how many runners or people have red shirts on, or how many people are walking their dog, and the list can go on like this. Some runners will see a stop light up ahead, and they'll increase the pace to make the next green light to cross. Or try to spot how many custom licence plates from cars they see.
Get a running partner- This is another great way to make running fun and enjoyable, find somebody to run with you. This may not be as hard as some think, as a lot of people are looking to get in shape, they just don't know where to start. Getting them as a running partner is a great way to start. And when you have someone that is consistently running with you, that is an automatic support group, and someone that can help you stay accountable.
Sign up for a race- A goal is great way to get motivated to run, and signing up for race is the ultimate goal setter. From 5k's to full marathons, this will keep you running.
Run different routes- There are other places to run other than you neighborhood, strangely many runners stick around where the live, as in, within a few blocks. As there is nothing wrong with this, a change of scenery makes the run more enjoyable. This can include parks, city running paths, trail running in the mountains, or just along the sidewalks on the other side of town.
Run different types of workouts- If you are running at a steady pace day in and day out, can get a little monotonous. By changing the workout can add variety to workouts. Try interval training on a track, hill workouts, speed work and tempo runs.
Get a dog- Many say that dogs make the best running companions, they love being outside, have a lot of energy so they will run forever, and they will keep an eye out for you.
Make bets and Challenges with friends- Getting others to join gets everybody to a higher level of excitement. Such as, who in the group of friends can run the most miles, or get the fastest time in the next 5k. This can make great motivation in running to either get braggin' rights or money(if any).
Mix up with other workouts- If running is becoming too much, then you can mix other forms of exercise through out the week. Look into trail or road cycling, swimming, rock climbing, court and field sports, and weight training at the gym.
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