♠ Posted by Paul Naylor at 6:08 AM

A high sweat rate is actually a good thing during exercise, its a way the body cools itself. Runners really more dislike the feeling of feeling sweaty rather than sweating itself. Some have said that they do not like the way that they look when they are sweating after a workout. Others have said that they do not like the smell that sweating creates. These are valid concerns, there's other concerns out there that people have. Many have talked and debated about the best way to handle sweating. And since there is not really a way to decrease the amount you sweat when you exercise, there are some ways to help you tolerate it.
First thing to know is that sweating comes with the territory of working out. It is the body's natural response to cool off when it starting to work hard. And the more you work, the more you sweat. Many will laugh at this for common sense reasons, but not everybody knows and understands it. Some even think that there is a way to still work as hard, but sweat less. Unfortunately, there is not a way, just ways that we can deal with the sweating. Now people that have been involved with sports growing up, usually don't have an issue with sweating, mostly because they have grown up with it. It is usually the people that get involved with athletics later in life, don't like the sweating.
As mentioned before, there is not really a way to decrease sweating from happening, but here are some ways that may make it more manageable:
Run at a cooler part of the day - Run either early in the morning, or later in the evening. Temperatures are generally cooler at these times.
Run on a treadmill at home or at gym - Many runners do not like running on treadmills, but running inside where air conditioning is avail is a good alternative to running in the heat outside
Running with a sweatband - Either you love it or hate, haven't met many people that are in-between. Some who dislike sweating, don't like the sweat coming down their forehead and into their eyes. Headbands or sweatbands can help out with this.
Run with tech clothing - The clothes you wear while running can be a factor with sweating, usually running with cotton shirts and heavy basketball mesh shorts may cause more sweating. Wear clothing that is made for running. Its made from material that is lighter and more breathable. You can find running clothes at any sporting goods store or online.
Lastly, as this does not really have a cause to tolerate sweating, but important; DRINK WATER!! Some may say that this will make you sweat more, which can be true at times, but drinking water usually can't be mentioned enough. It is very vital to your health, so drink a lot of water, at all times.
See also: Running in the heat
See also: Protect yourself. How the heat can hurt
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